Tuesday, September 3, 2013

WISSAM AL-HASAN. By Ghassan Kadi 21 Oct 2012

Wissam Al-Hasan
By Ghassan Kadi
21 October 2012
So who is this man Wissam Al-Hasan and who would want to or benefit from killing him after all?

His family origins are from Bturatij, a little predominantly Sunni town in the predominantly Orthodox Christian Koura in Northern Lebanon. But ...Wissam spent his childhood in Tripoli like many of his family clan who prefer life in the bigger city.

He became the defacto personal guard to Rafiq Hariri during the last 4-5 years of his life, and his absence from Hariri’s murder scene raised speculations about the possibility of his involvement, and he was in fact the first suspect.

In a sudden twist of fate, he was put in charge of the investigation of Hariri’s murder. Suspect turned investigator without any explanations given to the former accusation, its reversal, let alone appointing a former suspect to lead the investigation.

In a surprise action, Hasan was looking for scapegoats. He was quick to accuse Syria and Hezbollah of the assassination of Hariri, even before his investigations concluded. This alone should have been enough reason to sack him and have him replaced. How could the arbitrator, the judge, form unfounded opinions and have them publically known? And as if this was not bad enough, he was quick to arrest 4 top general in the Lebanese Army and security apparatus as suspects in the murder. No charges were made, and the 4 generals had to be released without an apology, compensation and or explanation. Does his action not make a target for Hezbollah? How about the 4 generals? They are all military savvy and capable of plotting his murder. Did they do it?

There are rumours that Hasan was not only recently advocating the FSA, but he was instrumental in setting up and training and army of Jihadi fighters in Lebanon. Does this not make him a target for Syria?

A saint he was not. He played with fire, and as the old proverb says, he who lives by the sword, dies by the sword.

No one with any decency wishes for anyone to die like he did, especially that his murder led to the death of many innocent people who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. But the crocodile tears that are now shed over his body are just that, crocodile tears trying to draw political mileage from his murder.
They say that he uncovered some Israeli espionage cells, and apparently he did. Does this not make him a target for the Mossad?

He was apparently also active in gathering up intelligence about Fath Al Islam. Did Fath Al Islam kill him?

Hasan was a wheeler and a dealer and he made enemies right left and centre. Many parties had enough reasons and enough capability to plot his murder. No one can with certainty speculate who killed him. But the Lebanese Hasan-type investigations hone in on a nominated murderer before any investigation is completed or even started. And just like Hariri before him, the rioting Future Movement (ie Saad Hariri) mobs in the streets of Lebanon have already decided that Syria and Hezbollah are the culprit. In this respect, they are the biggest benefactors of the aftermath of the murder. Is this a reason for the Future Movement itself to assassinate him? Did he outlive his usefulness? Did he become more valuable dead than alive?

We will never have any of the above questions answered. Such is the legal system in Lebanon. Ever since the assassination of Jibran Matni in 1958 and the mob accusing and framing the Lebanese government and the SSNP (Syrian Socialist National Party) resulting in the 1958 “revolution”, Lebanon has seen a series of unresolved murders that have been hijacked by the mob. All the way from Maarouf Saad to George Hawi to Jibran Touweini and not forgetting Hariri, the murder of Hasan is thus far the most recent link in a huge chain of terror that no one dares to investigate.

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